
AMR Council Administration and Civic Building

Commercial designs


The AMRSC Administration and Civic Building is a dynamic contemporary facility, responsive to the region and the growing needs of the local community.

The AMRSC Civic and Administration Building combines an ESD focus with the practicalities of day-to-day operations whilst capturing the sophisticated but casual nature of the unique Margaret River region.

At the core of the design concept is environmental sustainability with the building incorporating passive solar design techniques using high levels of insulation including thermal performance double glazing, low energy use lighting, low water use landscaping and active systems including a BMS system linking the mechanical to automated windows for maximum use of temperate fresh air.

The building’s distinctive design reflects the regionally unique aspects of the south west whilst providing a functional, flexible and cost effective building for the Shire’s administration and community.

The use of locally milled and recycled timber, local stone, and craftsmen has reinforced the building’s success as a “community hub”.

This Award Winning building delivers to the community quality, sustainable, and regionally appropriate commercial architecture.  


Institutional Designs: Civic, Office, Urban Design


8 Cook Street, West Perth, WA 6005

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