Boxwood Hill is a locality in the Great Southern region of Western Australia, situated at the intersection of the South Coast Highway and the Borden-Bremer Bay Road.
Boxwood Hill is a locality in the Great Southern region of Western Australia, situated at the intersection of the South Coast Highway and the Borden-Bremer Bay Road.
The townsite was gazetted in 1963, named after a local shrub, Microcorys sp. Boxwood.The town itself is composed of only a roadhouse and three houses, but is best known for its excellent sporting facilities. The sports club, which has facilities for football, netball, hockey, cricket and tennis and is known to host over 200 people to sporting events.
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Population: 1-100
Time zone: UTC +08:00
Area: 629.953 km2
Elevation: 51-200 metres
Town elevation: 136 m
Population number: 84
Local Government Area: Shire of Jerramungup