
Chamber of Arts and Culture Western Austalia

Social clubs

PO Box 7065, Cloister Square, Perth, WA 6850
(08) 9211 7681


Arts and culture plays an integral role in the lives of Western Australians and our communities. This enriching role is at times unsung and unrecognised in both its contribution and its benefits to our State. People throughout WA are actively engaged in arts and culture either through direct participation or through appreciating the vital contribution that arts and culture makes to the vibrancy, sophistication and creativity of our region.

Engagement in, and attention to the development of arts and culture in Western Australia is essential to the future of our State and can underpin many of our aspirations for an enriched society that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. We also have an opportunity to be a leader in some keys arts and cultural areas driven by our strengths in these sectors. Indigenous arts and culture, music, dance, theatre are just some areas where Western Australian talent has excelled gaining international attention and admiration.

Local, State and Federal governments and the private sector must further recognise the importance of arts and culture as a key contributor to WA’s prosperity. We also have the chance to embrace a role as a leading contributor and collaborator to arts and culture in the ASPAC and global community in which we are so closely tied through our trade relationships. 


Arts Clubs: Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts

Chamber of Arts and Culture Western Austalia - Localista

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