
Emily Jackson

Tourist attractions Mixed media, Print art, Artist studios


Margaret River artist Emily Jackson draws her inspiration from the local flora and fauna and uses a variety of mediums and methods of printmaking to document these species on paper.

Through my artwork I portray the natural world of Western Australia. My art pays tribute to, and celebrates the living world that nurtures my creativity.

This world sustains my creative impulse, it imbues me with joy and I feel very much part of it, not separate, but intimately connected.

My art is about this connection.

The abstract visual landscapes of my work are location, date and time specific. They capture the living mood of the place, a vignette, a moment in time and place. The aim is to bring the viewer into that moment, place, with all its wonderful nuances, light, plants, animals, landscape - to feel that place, a memory hidden in consciousness.

The images are arranged in multiple layers from my etchings, lino prints, drawings and paintings, to capture the atmosphere of the visual moment.

Emily will be participating in the 2021 Margaret River Region Open Studios. For more information on the opening hours of her studio, visit https://www.mrropenstudios.com.au/member/emily-jackson?rq=Emily%20Jackson.


Art galleries: Mixed media, Print art, Artist studios


15 Elizabeth Street, Margaret River, WA

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