
Serpentine Falls

Tourist attractions

Serpentine Falls, Serpentine, WA 6125


At Serpentine Falls you will find a sealed loop road and car park, a grassy picnic area, shaded picnic tables, gas barbecues and toilets with access for people with disabilities.

Serpentine Falls has been one of the focal points of the area since the early European settlers came in droves to swim, picnic and enjoy a day out in the bush.

Set in a naturally beautiful cleft at the foot of the scarp, the park stretches up the steep slopes of the Serpentine River valley, past a sheer face of granite polished smooth by the rushing waters.
During the winter, the white waters of the Serpentine River cascade into a swirling, rock-rimmed pool 15 metres below.

Around the grass lawns in the late afternoon, Western Grey Kangaroos come down to graze and are quite unconcerned about visitors.

Bush Walking
The best time of year to walk in Serpentine is late autumn to mid-spring, when the temperatures are cooler.  Spring is a peak walking period because of the spectacular wildflower displays.


Even though inland waterways look inviting, especially when the surface is calm, they pose many hidden dangers. Know the risks and how to swim safely.

From the Serpentine Picnic Area car park, visitors can access the Falls Walk Trail, Baldwins Bluff Nature Track and Kitty’s Gorge Walk Track. 


Trails & sites: Picnic sites


Serpentine Falls, Serpentine, WA 6125

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