
SymbioticA Lab

Local Facilities Arts Centres


SymbioticA was designed as an evolving place of artistic investigation, an artistic laboratory dedicated to the research, learning and critique of life sciences.

The focus on experiential engagement with life led SymbioticA to develop programs that would allow artists and designers access to labs and techniques usually reserved only for scientists and engineers. These programs include residencies, workshops, academic courses and public engagement through exhibitions and forums.

SymbioticA welcome artists, researchers, students and scholars from all disciplines, to work alone or in interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary research teams, exploring innovative directions for new technologies and the effects they might have on society.

SymbioticA is the first research laboratory of its kind, enabling artists to engage in “wet biology”, with access to scientific laboratories and staff in a university biological science department.


Facilities: Arts Centres


SymbioticA, 228 The School of Human Sciences, The University of, Crawley WA 6009, Crawley, WA 6009

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