
The Scout Association Of Australia

Business directory Education & Training, Local Community, Sport & Recreation, Youth Welfare

581 Murray Street, West Perth, WA 6872
(08) 9480 4200


Scouting is a worldwide movement that has shaped the development of youth and adults for more than 100 years. Scouts is the biggest and most successful youth organisation in Australia.

Aim Of Scouting
The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens, and as a member of their local, national and international communities.

The principles of Scouting are that Scouts should serve God, act in consideration of the needs of others and develop and use their abilities to the betterment of themselves and their families and the community in which they live.

Association Goals
The following Goals have been set for the Scout Movement in Australia, we aim to...

  • Provide challenging accredited programs to the youth of Australia, which are recognised and valued by the community and by government
  • Promote Scouting to the community on the basis of the high quality and relevance of its methodology and programs
  • Comprise an increasingly male and female membership which reflects the social and cultural mix of the community
  • Carefully select and train adult leaders on the basis of standards that are recognisable and measurable
  • Have the community recognise, support and value the role of Scouting and its activities
  • Be recognised by the community as being responsive to community youth issues
  • Be recognised and consulted as a major contributor to establishing priorities and determining policies on community youth issues
  • Have a high profile portraying a quality way of life.
  • Acquire and maintain adequate human, physical, and financial resources, which are used to the best advantage of Scouting and the community
  • Provide opportunities for its members to participate in international activities
  • Provide maximum support for the development of World Scouting particularly in the Asia Pacific region.

Aim Of Scouting
The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens, and as a member of their local, national and international communities.

The principles of Scouting are that Scouts should serve God, act in consideration of the needs of others and develop and use their abilities to the betterment of themselves and their families and the community in which they live.

Association Goals
The following Goals have been set for the Scout Movement in Australia, we aim to...

  • Provide challenging accredited programs to the youth of Australia, which are recognised and valued by the community and by government
  • Promote Scouting to the community on the basis of the high quality and relevance of its methodology and programs
  • Comprise an increasingly male and female membership which reflects the social and cultural mix of the community
  • Carefully select and train adult leaders on the basis of standards that are recognisable and measurable
  • Have the community recognise, support and value the role of Scouting and its activities
  • Be recognised by the community as being responsive to community youth issues
  • Be recognised and consulted as a major contributor to establishing priorities and determining policies on community youth issues
  • Have a high profile portraying a quality way of life.
  • Acquire and maintain adequate human, physical, and financial resources, which are used to the best advantage of Scouting and the community
  • Provide opportunities for its members to participate in international activities
  • Provide maximum support for the development of World Scouting particularly in the Asia Pacific region.


Charities: Education & Training, Local Community, Sport & Recreation, Youth Welfare


581 Murray Street, West Perth, WA 6872

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