Royal Floors, a specialist in high-quality timber flooring in Sydney, offers professional installation services to ensure a smooth and durable finish
Here’s a step-by-step guide to understanding the process of timber floor installation at Royal Floors:
Step 1: Choose Your Timber Flooring
The first step is selecting the right timber flooring for your home. At Royal Floors, you have a wide range of options, including solid timber, engineered timber, and floating floors. The choice depends on your budget, the style you prefer, and the location where the flooring will be installed.
Solid Timber Flooring: Durable and long-lasting, perfect for areas with heavy foot traffic.
Engineered Timber Flooring: A more affordable option, offering the look of timber but with enhanced moisture resistance.
Floating Floors: Easy to install, with a layer of timber on top of a substrate, providing flexibility and stability.
Step 2: Measure and Prepare the Area
Accurate measurements are essential for a successful installation. Royal Floors will typically measure the installation area to ensure the right amount of timber is ordered. Proper preparation includes:
- Clearing the Space: All furniture and existing flooring need to be removed.
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Commercial: Floors, Surfaces
Residential Suppliers and Retailers Type: Commercial Supplier, Retail Supplier