
West Beach

Tourist attractions


West Beach is a scenic beach set in a small bay, with opportunities to explore water-washed rock formations and enjoy fishing or whale watching.

A formed path provides easy access to this delightful beach where the rocks have been sculpted by nature into intriguing shapes. The wave-washed surfaces of these weathered schists show delightful detail in alternating bands of light and dark minerals that include glistening mica and small deep pink garnets. A lookout with seating on the path is a good vantage point to enjoy the views and spot whales and their newborn young during winter when they may shelter close to shore.

Walks at West Beach

From West Beach enjoy a moderately easy walk along part of the Hakea Trail, which follows the coast west towards Hamersley Inlet or east to Cave Point lookout (2.5km return).

Your safety:
Coast Risks and Cliff Risks are significant in this park.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Natural attractions: Beaches, Cliffs & Rock Formations

Parks: 2WD Access - No

Trails & sites: Fishing Spots, Swimming holes


Fitzgerald River National Park, WA

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