In the charming village of Berriedale, located along the banks of the picturesque Derwent River in Tasmania, there is an exceptional accommodation option known as Mona Pavilions. Nestled amidst lush greenery and overlooking the river, these luxurious pavilions cater to discerning travellers seeking a unique experience. Each suite is named after an influential Australian artist or architect and boasts stylish interiors adorned with artwork from the Mona collection, offering guests an immersion into contemporary Australian culture.
The amenities include free WiFi, TVs in bedrooms, living areas and bathrooms, a minibar, temperature-controlled wine storage, and even a fully equipped kitchen. Additionally, guests can enjoy the convenience of being close to the esteemed Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) and other attractions such as wineries, restaurants, and alternative festivals. With its avant-garde architecture, riverside setting, and commitment to providing a memorable stay, Mona Pavilions stands out as a premier choice for those looking for something truly special during their visit to Berriedale, Tasmania.