Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Queensland, the Sunshine Coast boasts a thriving cider industry that combines traditional methods with modern innovation. At the heart of this movement are two prominent players, Sunshine Coast Cider and Sunshine Cider, both renowned for producing Méthode Traditionnelle Cider, also known as Champagne-style Cider. These establishments stand alone in their commitment to using the full Champagne method, elevating the region's reputation for quality cider production. Sunshine Coast Cider takes pride in its longstanding heritage, drawing inspiration from over 25 generations of cider makers. Their dedication to authenticity shines through in every aspect of their process, ensuring no shortcuts are taken when it comes to creating delectable ciders that truly showcase the flavors of locally sourced fruits.
Visitors seeking to explore these exceptional cideries will find themselves spoiled for choice. From the charming Cellar Door at Sunshine Coast Cider, offering visitors a warm welcome and ample opportunity to sample their range of ciders, to the bustling tap rooms of other local producers, each venue provides a unique glimpse into the world of craft cider production. As you plan your visit to this vibrant destination, make sure to allocate time for exploring its rich cider culture – a true testament to the Sunshine Coast's passion for celebrating the finest local produce.