The Kimberley, a remote and rugged region in Western Australia, is home to a rich artistic community, particularly in the realm of printmaking. Art galleries throughout the region showcase the works of both renowned and emerging artists, offering visitors a unique insight into the local culture and creativity. Here are some highlights of printmaking galleries in The Kimberley: Aboriginal Art Prints: The Kimberley is known for its Aboriginal art prints, which represent major and lesser-known artists from the area. These prints showcase the beauty and uniqueness of Aboriginal art, with works by famous artists such as Rover Thomas, Queenie McKenzie, Jack Britten, and Freddy Timms from the Warmun (Turkey Creek) community.
Wandjina Figures: One of the distinctive features of Kimberley printmaking is the Wandjina figures, as seen in the limited edition prints by Lily Karedada. These figures are specific to the region and hold cultural significance for the local people. International Touring Exhibition: Many of the artists featured in Kimberley printmaking galleries are also included in the international touring exhibition "Yilpinji – Magic and Ceremony". This exhibition showcases the best of Australian Indigenous printmaking, further highlighting the global recognition and importance of the art form in this region. Fitzroy Crossing: The town of Fitzroy Crossing is home to one of Australia's most important indigenous printmakers, Jimmy Pike. His works, along with those of other local artists, can be found in the galleries of The Kimberley, offering visitors a chance to explore the rich cultural tapestry of the region.
When visiting The Kimberley, be sure to explore the art galleries and witness the stunning printmaking on display. Each gallery offers a unique glimpse into the local culture and artistic heritage, providing an enriching and memorable experience for travelers.