Bowral, a picturesque town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, is home to a delightful array of pubs catering to diverse tastes. The Burrawang Village Hotel stands out for its rustic charm and inviting ambiance, offering classic and contemporary dishes, an extensive wine list, and impressive beer selection. Diners can enjoy their meals by the open fire, in the historic front bar, or in the beer garden with stunning views of the Highlands.
For a more refined experience, upscale options like the Scottish Arms Inn and the recently renovated Briars Inn provide bistro-style food, Scottish beers, and a posh pub experience. The Throsby Bar & Lounge, within the Briars Inn, offers an intimate setting for couples seeking a romantic corner with wine and cheese. The Royal Hotel, a stylish gastropub with a smart dining room and courtyard, is known for its seafood and grilled fare, attracting both locals and tourists.
These pubs in Bowral showcase a diverse mix of history, style, and hospitality, each offering a unique atmosphere for visitors to enjoy.