Fernbank Creek offers a variety of dining options to cater to different preferences. Alongside traditional pub fare, visitors can explore authentic Italian cuisine at local cafés, enjoy family-friendly bistros, or indulge in everyday specials at sports bars. For those interested in craft beers and boutique breweries, the nearby town of Port Macquarie boasts several options. These include Gage Roads Brewery's extensive food menu and dog-friendly setting, Little Creatures Brewing's open-plan space and fresh beer on tap, and Running with Thieves, which offers Pan-Asian cuisine paired with full-flavour beers. Additionally, visitors can find bars that stay open late, such as Sneaky Tony’s rum bar, Goody Two’s whiskey bar specializing in Japanese whiskeys, Bobeche cocktail bar with its shareable teapot punch, and Bar Lafayette known for unique cocktails and an intimate setting.