The food scene in Melba, Australian Capital Territory revolves around its rich cultural heritage and culinary traditions. One notable establishment is the Escoffier Museum of Culinary Art, dedicated to the legacy of renowned chef Auguste Escoffier, creator of the iconic dessert Peach Melba. This museum showcases the evolution of French cuisine and offers visitors a glimpse into the life of one of history's most influential chefs. Furthermore, Chef Melba Wilson has expanded her soul food empire with an outpost called Melba’s at Wollman Rink in Central Park, offering a blend of Southern comfort food classics and disco-inspired dishes. Menu highlights include Melba's DiscOasis Fries smothered in cheddar cheese and gravy, Chicken N’ Waffle Cone, Crispy Fish Strips served with chipotle dipping sauce, and a Brown Butter Ice Cream & Eggnog Waffle Sandwich. To complement these offerings, the restaurant serves housemade sweet tea, lemonade, and a signature cocktail called the Melba’s Palmer.