Walpole scenic routes

Walpole Area in Western Australia is known for its stunning scenic drives, offering visitors a chance to explore the region's natural beauty and diverse landscapes. One of the most popular routes is the Knoll Scenic Drive, a 5 km circular route through the Walpole-Nornalup National Park. The drive immerses you in a canopy of karri and marri forest, with Tingle trees enhancing the ancient and enchanting atmosphere of the area.

Another noteworthy scenic drive in the area is the Westwood to Walpole Farmland Scenic Drive, approximately 1.9 mi / 3.1 km long. This route provides a different perspective, showcasing picturesque farmlands and rural landscapes surrounding Walpole. From the lush forests of the Knoll Scenic Drive to the idyllic farmlands of the Westwood to Walpole Farmland Scenic Drive, these drives offer a perfect opportunity to explore and enjoy the stunning landscapes of this unique corner of Western Australia.

Walpole scenic routes - Localista

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