In the charming seaside town of Mornington, Victoria, Casa de Playa and Tio Tapas Y Vino are two exceptional Spanish restaurants known for their unique offerings and dedication to quality cuisine. Casa de Playa, situated in an iconic 1800s building on Main Street, offers a contemporary dining experience that blends the city's vibrant coffee culture and bar scene with traditional tapas dishes. Their menu features locally sourced ingredients and inventive twists on classic Spanish flavors.
Named after the Spanish term "uncle," symbolizing friendship in Spain, this lively restaurant and wine bar embodies Spanish hospitality and camaraderie. With a diverse tapas menu that combines traditional and contemporary elements, Tio Tapas Y Vino honors Spain's culinary heritage by using premium ingredients like Iberian ham and Denominación de Origen-labeled products. Guests can complement their meal with a choice from the extensive wine list or opt for refreshing craft beers and signature cocktails available at the establishment.