Hunter Valley state forests

State forests in the Hunter region of New South Wales cover over 2 million hectares and offer a diverse range of recreational activities, primary production, and timber harvesting opportunities. Popular activities in these forests include mountain biking, horse riding, and hunting. There are five categories of state forests in New South Wales, each with specific rules and regulations for hunting.

Heaton State Forest, located in the Watagan Mountains, is a picturesque destination in the Hunter region known for its stunning lookouts with views over the Hunter Valley. To hunt on public land in New South Wales, individuals must have a valid Restricted Game Hunting Licence (RGHL) or a Full Game Hunting Licence (FGHL) and be a member of an Australian Hunting Organisation (AHO). This includes respecting forestry operations, following signs and notices, considering other users, and complying with regulations related to drones, dogs, and 1080 wild dog and fox poison. Following these regulations allows visitors to enjoy the unique landscapes while preserving the environment and respecting fellow forest users.

Hunter Valley state forests - Localista

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