In the charming town of Bowen, Queensland, two delightful establishments cater to those seeking quality teas and coffees: Le Sorelle The Sisters Coffee House and Horseshoe Bay Café. Le Sorelle The Sisters Coffee House, situated at 52 Richmond Road, offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere ideal for enjoying food and drinks. The coffee house serves delicious Australian cuisine, including well-cooked bacon, chicken wraps, eggs, and warm pumpkin. Their dessert menu features Belgian waffles with vanilla ice cream, chocolate fudge sauce, and a honeycomb crunch. Operating daily from 7 am on weekdays and 8 am on weekends until noon, Le Sorelle provides breakfast and lunch options for customers to enjoy.
Horseshoe Bay Café, located along the picturesque coastline of Bowen, offers stunning ocean views and serves refreshing cups of coffee and tea. The café is a perfect spot for morning tea or a casual lunch with a beautiful bay backdrop.