There are 236 Tea and Coffee Houses in New South Wales
236 results
218 Espresso is a family-friendly coffee and tea house located in Palm Beach, New South Wales.
Anaitis Tea & Coffee House is a restaurant located in Tanilba Bay, New South Wales.
The Armidale Coffee House is a cozy and welcoming restaurant located in the Armidale Plaza on Dangar Street in Armidale, New South Wales.
Bar Sport is a cafe located at 2a Norton St, Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia.
Barefoot Brew Room is an espresso bar located in central Byron Bay, New South Wales.
Batch Espresso is a coffee shop in Sydney, New South Wales, with three locations: 275 George St, 10 Barrack St (York St), and 151 Clarence St (Barrack Place).
Bean 2 Taste is a cozy cafe located at 15 Wollongong Rd, Arncliffe, New South Wales, Australia.
Belle & Co Coffee House is a boutique coffee house located in Long Jetty, New South Wales. It is known for its coffee, featuring two blends of Veneziano Coffee (Pulse and Soar) plus seasonal single-origin blends.
The Black Tambourine is a venue located in Dubbo, New South Wales.
Brew Tales is a specialty espresso bar located in Wickham, New South Wales.
Brix & Beans Coffee House is a cozy and inviting venue located in Millers Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Checkpoint Charlie Espresso Bar is a coffee shop located in Penshurst, New South Wales, Australia.
Christopher Robin Espresso Mortlake is a specialty espresso bar located in Mortlake, New South Wales.
Cicco is a popular bar located in Hurstville, New South Wales.
Coffee Art Cafe is a family-friendly coffee and tea house located in Maclean, New South Wales.
Coffee Culture Mittagong is a family-friendly coffee and tea house located in Mittagong, New South Wales.
Coffee Mamma is a popular espresso bar located in Wodonga, Victoria, Australia.
Coffee on the Crescent is a family-friendly coffee and tea house located in Fairfield, New South Wales, Australia.
Comme Chez Nous is a French café located in Pymble, New South Wales.
Croudace Tea & Coffee House is a quick-bite kind of place located at 2 Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heights, New South Wales, Australia.
Cru Espresso is a small bar-style coffee house located on Victoria Road in Gladesville, New South Wales, Australia.
Dark Elixir Coffee House is a local coffee house located in Granville, New South Wales.
Deadwood is a charming concept store located on the main street of Braidwood, New South Wales. The venue offers a range of floristry, fermented foods, and pickles, making it a unique and quirky destination for visitors. In addition to these offerings, Deadwood Cafe serves great coffee and tea, as well as homemade scones (both savory and sweet) and cakes that are all home-baked, substantial, and delicious.
Detour Espresso Bar is a cozy coffee shop located on William Street in Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales.
Diamonds and Dust is a destination store located in Temora, New South Wales.
DJ's on Neill is a modern family-owned cafe located in Harden, New South Wales.
Drip Coffee Traders is a small and popular local café in Collaroy Plateau, New South Wales, Australia.
Dunkley Dash Espresso Hut is a coffee shop located in Mount Hutton, New South Wales.
Era Espresso is a café located in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.
Espresso Recipe is a coffee house located in Beecroft, New South Wales, Australia.